Burn Injury - Depth and Grading Degrees
Superficial ...

Burn Injury - Depth and Grading Degrees
Superficial thickness (first degree): 
 • Painful, Does not blister, Does not scar
Partial or intermediate thickness (second degree):
 • Blisters and weeps, With increasing depth, increased risk of infection, With increasing depth, increased risk of scarring
 • Superficial partial thickness burns do not require surgery, but may scar and be more painful
 • Deep partial thickness burns require surgery and form more scars and are less painful
Full thickness (third degree): 
 • Dry; Insensate to light touch and pin prick; Small areas will heal with substantial scar or contracture; Large areas require skin grafting; High risk of infection
Fourth degree:
 • Involves muscle or bone; Leads to loss of the burned part

doi: 10.1038/s41572-020-0145-5

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