SLEEP HYGIENE - ASLEEP is a useful acronym for remembering ...

SLEEP HYGIENE - ASLEEP is a useful acronym for remembering sleep hygiene tips for primary insomnia.
Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine should be avoided, especially in the evening
Sleep and sex should be the only uses of the bed; have a comfortable bed
Leave laptops, TV and paperwork out of the bedroom and keep clocks out of

sight; blue light from phones, computers and TV can exacerbate insomnia
Exercise regularly and be active outdoors during the day
Early rising – avoid sleeping-in or daytime naps; get up at the same time each day
Plan for bedtime – establish a bedtime routine to wind down; have a warm drink

or a bath, avoid going to bed until you are drowsy.

#Management #Sleep #Hygiene #ASLEEP #Mnemonic
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Dr. Gerald Diaz
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