Ulcerative Colitis vs Crohn's Disease - IBD Comparison ...

Ulcerative Colitis vs Crohn's Disease - IBD Comparison Table

Ulcerative Collitis

 - Location

     • Always affects rectum extending to  varying degrees around the large bowel

 - Inflammation

     • Continuous, Diffuse mucosal inflammation (Inflammation limited to the mucosa) 

     • Sharp transition between diseased and normal colon 

Crohn’s Disease 

 - Location

     • Anywhere from the mouth to anus 

     • Frequently affects the Terminal ileum

     • Most cases (70-80%) have small bowel involvement and sparing of the rectum 

 - Inflammation

     • “Patchy (Skip areas), Transmural Inflammation” 

     • Locality in the setting of relatively normal intervening mucosa, segmental asymmetric involvement of different parts of the wall within given segments of bowel. 

- Amy Chung, MD, MSc @AmyChung 

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Dr. Gerald Diaz
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