Distal Radius Fracture 
Distal radius fracture is ...

Distal Radius Fracture 

Distal radius fracture is the most common orthopedic injury. Here's a quick summary.

• Fracture at the metaphysis or articulation of distal radius 

• Most common orthopedic injury 

• Eponyms:

    • Colles (90% "dinner fork") = dorsally displaced. extra-articular 

    • Smith ("reverse Colles") = volar displaced. extra-articular 

    • Barton = intra-articular dorsal or volar (more common) rim fracture 

    • Chauffer = radial styloid fracture 

• Mechanism: Fall onto outstretched hand 

• Exam: variable gross wrist deformity with decreased ROM 

• Possible associated injuries: DRUJ disruption, radial styloid fracture, median nerve injury, acute carpal tunnel syndrome, soft tissue injuries (TFCC injury, scapholunate and/or lunotriquetral ligament injury) 

• ED Management: Hematoma block +/- procedural sedation and reduction using finger traps 

• Splint: Sugar tong 

• Ortho consult: 

    No if Colles or Chauffer unless unable to reduce; 

    Yes if Smith or Barton 

• Disposition: DC home if Colles or Chauffer with orthopedic follow-up within I week; Smith or Barton, pending orthopedic recommendations 

MH/CCF/CWRU EM Res @MetroHealth_EM

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Dr. Gerald Diaz
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