Long-Acting Dual Bronchodilators - LAMA/LABA Combo ...

Long-Acting Dual Bronchodilators - LAMA/LABA Combo Inhalers 

The FDA approved a new dual bronchodilator (LABA/LAMA) combination inhaler, Duaklir Pressair! This joins the other 3 inhalers Anoro, Bevespi, and Stiolto. Duaklir is administered in the same device as Tudorza which is a type of DPI device that is breathe-activated. It is approved for treatment of COPD

These are important since dual bronchodilator therapy is one of the most common recommended regimens for COPD according to GOLD 2019.  Having different formulations is great because patients may respond better to different formulations due to the delivery techniques. 

Jarred Prudencio, PharmD - https://www.instagram.com/ambcarerx

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Dr. Gerald Diaz
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